SCLI Board of Directors Announces New Leadership

Indi­vid­u­als can find it chal­leng­ing to under­stand and val­ue dif­fer­ences among team mem­bers. Rec­og­niz­ing and uti­liz­ing dif­fer­ences in per­spec­tive, strengths, exper­tise, and per­son­al char­ac­ter­is­tics enhance work­place cul­ture, strat­e­gy, and performance.

Courses In This Solution

  • Advocate for Diversity and Change

  • Authentic Masculinty

  • True Brotherhood

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Self-Aware­ness, Authen­tic Mas­culin­i­ty, and the [Artic­u­lat­ing the] Val­ue-Add were extreme­ly use­ful, prac­ti­cal, and confidence-boosting.”

Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop Participant