Professional Success
95% of respondents found SCLI certificate programs helpful to their professional success. -
Job Growth
75% of respondents report that what they learned through SCLI programming has been important or very important in helping them grow their careers. -
Satisfaction Score
90% of SCLI students are satisfied or very satisfied with the programs they completed. -
Personal Success
96% of certificate program students report what they learned has helped them succeed outside the workplace.
Our Impact
Real results, real numbers
Undergraduate brothers who have experienced Sigma Chi Leadership Programming since 1947 -
Participants in Horizons leadership training over the past 20 years -
Participants in the Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop over the last three years
Transformational Awards & Recognition

- 2023 Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA)/Coalition of Higher Education Associations for Substance Abuse Prevention (CoHEASAP) Outstanding Alcohol/Drug Prevention Program Award for the Values-Based Leadership Certificate — Living Well
- 2023 NIC Laurel Wreath Award for the Values-Based Leadership Certificate
- 2023 Brandon Hall Gold Award for Excellence in the Leadership Development category for Values-Based Leadership
- 2022 Brandon Hall Gold Award for Best Unique or Innovative Leadership program for the Authentic Leadership Certificate
- 2022 NIC Laurel Wreath Award for the Authentic Leadership Certificate
- 2021 Brandon Hall Bronze Award in Excellence in Learning for the Distance Leadership Certificate
- 2021 Laurel Wreath Award for the Distance Leadership Certificate
- 2020 Brandon Hall Gold Award for Best Advance in Custom Creation for the Nobel Decisions Values-Based Learning course
- 2019 Brandon Hall Gold Award in Excellence in Talent Acquisition for the Preparation for Brotherhood pledge education program
- 2019 Laurel Wreath Award for the Strong Arms mental wellness and emotional health program
- 2018 Laurel Wreath Award for the Preparation for Brotherhood program
- 2018 Horizon Interactive Awards gold award in Training/E‑Learning for the Preparation for Brotherhood program
- 2015 Laurel Wreath Award for the Crossroads drug and alcohol education program
- 2011 Laurel Wreath Award for the Mission 365 recruitment training program