SCLI Board of Directors Announces New Leadership
  • Professional Success

    95% of respondents found SCLI certificate programs helpful to their professional success.
  • Job Growth

    75% of respondents report that what they learned through SCLI programming has been important or very important in helping them grow their careers.
  • Satisfaction Score

    90% of SCLI students are satisfied or very satisfied with the programs they completed.
  • Personal Success

    96% of certificate program students report what they learned has helped them succeed outside the workplace.
Our Impact

Real results, real numbers

  • 80,000+

    Undergraduate brothers who have experienced Sigma Chi Leadership Programming since 1947
  • 4,000+

    Participants in Horizons leadership training over the past 20 years
  • 3,000+

    Participants in the Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop over the last three years

Transformational Awards & Recognition

SCLI logo NIC logo Brandon Hall Excellence Awards CCL 1024x535
  • 2023 Asso­ci­a­tion of Fraternity/​Sorority Advi­sors (AFA)/Coalition of High­er Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tions for Sub­stance Abuse Pre­ven­tion (CoHEAS­AP) Out­stand­ing Alcohol/​Drug Pre­ven­tion Pro­gram Award for the Val­ues-Based Lead­er­ship Cer­tifi­cate — Liv­ing Well
  • 2023 NIC Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Val­ues-Based Lead­er­ship Certificate
  • 2023 Bran­don Hall Gold Award for Excel­lence in the Lead­er­ship Devel­op­ment cat­e­go­ry for Val­ues-Based Leadership
  • 2022 Bran­don Hall Gold Award for Best Unique or Inno­v­a­tive Lead­er­ship pro­gram for the Authen­tic Lead­er­ship Certificate
  • 2022 NIC Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Authen­tic Lead­er­ship Certificate
  • 2021 Bran­don Hall Bronze Award in Excel­lence in Learn­ing for the Dis­tance Lead­er­ship Certificate
  • 2021 Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Dis­tance Lead­er­ship Certificate
  • 2020 Bran­don Hall Gold Award for Best Advance in Cus­tom Cre­ation for the Nobel Deci­sions Val­ues-Based Learn­ing course
  • 2019 Bran­don Hall Gold Award in Excel­lence in Tal­ent Acqui­si­tion for the Prepa­ra­tion for Broth­er­hood pledge edu­ca­tion program
  • 2019 Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Strong Arms men­tal well­ness and emo­tion­al health program
  • 2018 Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Prepa­ra­tion for Broth­er­hood program
  • 2018 Hori­zon Inter­ac­tive Awards gold award in Training/​E‑Learning for the Prepa­ra­tion for Broth­er­hood program
  • 2015 Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Cross­roads drug and alco­hol edu­ca­tion program
  • 2011 Lau­rel Wreath Award for the Mis­sion 365 recruit­ment train­ing program