SCLI Board of Directors Announces New Leadership

Build authen­tic friend­ships and true broth­er­hood through char­ac­ter-based recruit­ment in Mis­sion 365.

Sig­ma Chi’s Char­ac­ter-Based Recruit­ment micro-cer­tifi­cate is built upon the foun­da­tions of Mis­sion 365. It pro­vides par­tic­i­pants with prac­ti­cal sug­ges­tions and tools to ele­vate their recruit­ment efforts in the Quest for the Best on cam­pus. Mis­sion 365 con­sists of a 3.5‑hour CORE cur­ricu­lum with four addi­tion­al Enhance­ment Mod­ules: Select­ing Men of Char­ac­ter, Build­ing Endur­ing Friend­ships, Mar­ket­ing Our Dif­fer­en­tia­tors, and The Spir­it of Sig­ma Chi. The four enhance­ment mod­ules focus on iden­ti­fy­ing poten­tial new par­tic­i­pants with remark­able char­ac­ter and tal­ent; build­ing rela­tion­ships with poten­tial new par­tic­i­pants; devel­op­ing the skills to mar­ket our edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams and offer­ings; and cre­at­ing wel­com­ing and inclu­sive cam­pus­es that embrace and max­i­mize a diver­si­ty of backgrounds.

Cer­tifi­cate Outcomes

Upon com­ple­tion of this cer­tifi­cate, stu­dents will be able to:

  1. Artic­u­late a clear under­stand­ing of the def­i­n­i­tion and frame­work of 365-day recruitment.
  2. Employ best prac­tices and strate­gies for recruit­ing and devel­op­ing men of char­ac­ter who will leave a lega­cy of lead­er­ship to the Fraternity.
  3. Uti­lize spe­cif­ic strate­gies to gen­er­ate and sus­tain com­mit­ment to an orga­ni­za­tion or com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing one’s lifetime.
  4. Lever­age oth­ers’ social styles with your indi­vid­ual lead­er­ship style to advance our Fra­ter­ni­ty and our com­mu­ni­ties’ goals.

Courses In This Solution

  • Mission 365 Core

  • Building Enduring Friendships

  • The Spirit of Sigma Chi

  • Selecting Men of Character

  • Marketing Our Differentiators

Certificate Outcomes

Real results, real numbers

  • 142

    People completed this certificate in 2021
  • 92%

    The level of confidence participants have in employing new recruitment strategies to support their chapter's Mission 365 initiative.

Client Story

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I think the in-class exer­cis­es were extreme­ly ben­e­fi­cial. It’s easy to visu­al­ize what we think sit­u­a­tions will play out to be, but it’s anoth­er thing to prac­tice how the sit­u­a­tions could pos­si­bly play out.”

Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop Participant